Why subscribe?

How well will we ever truly know ourselves? Two writers meet in New York City and pass the time daydreaming about all the strangers they might never meet. This is why we created New York City Hours, a weekly vignette about the fictitious characters that jaywalk the avenues of our minds. 

We are humbly adventurous in our creative worlds and conjure characters fraught with humanity and humor. Subscribe to follow us down the rabbit hole, one email at a time. Step into the looking glass, mirrored in our eyes and minds, to read these refracted realities.

Scribbling long into the night, past the dawn, and throughout the tempting twilight is how we spend our time. In this city, we watch, we learn, we love. These are the New York City Hours.

We are a paid newsletter because we put in passion, labor, and sweat to deliver creative writing on a weekly basis, and your contributions support us, our rent bills, and our coffee addictions.

Subscribe to New York City Hours

A city that never sleeps is still full of dreams. These stories are written by dreamers, navigating the complexities of life, love, and the pursuit of paying rent.
